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Coaching, consultation scheduling booking webapp


29 January 2024






Building a Coaching Platform: My Journey with Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB


Tech Stack Overview:

  • Frontend Framework: Next.js 14
  • Backend Framework: Node.js with Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Hosting: Vercel + DigitalOcean droplet
  • Other Tools: React Hooks, Nodemailer for email reminders

The Purpose: Helping Users Connect with Coaches Effortlessly

This web app was designed to simplify the process of finding and booking coaches for users who are seeking guidance in various fields such as fitness, life coaching, career advice, etc. Here’s a breakdown of how users and coaches interact with the app:

  • Users: They can search for coaches based on criteria such as specialty, availability, and location. Once they find a suitable coach, they can view the coach’s schedule and book a session.
  • Coaches: Coaches can set their availability, price per session, and manage bookings. They also receive email reminders and notifications to keep track of upcoming sessions.
  • Payments: Users are required to pay a booking fee (set by the coach) to confirm their appointment, which creates a seamless transaction flow.


Core Features of the Web App

1. Coach Search and Filtering

Users can browse through a list of coaches and filter by expertise, availability, and price range. This ensures that users can find the right coach for their specific needs quickly and easily.

2. Coach Availability Scheduling

Coaches can manage their schedules via a dedicated dashboard. They can mark themselves available or unavailable based on their personal commitments. The real-time schedule updates ensure that users only see available slots when booking.

3. Booking and Payment Integration

The platform allows users to book sessions with coaches and pay a fee, securely handled through a payment gateway integration. The price per session is set by the coach, and the platform ensures a secure, seamless transaction.

4. Email Notifications and Reminders

Both coaches and users receive automated email reminders before scheduled meetings. I integrated Nodemailer to handle the email system, ensuring everyone stays updated and doesn’t miss any appointments.

5. Responsive Design

The app was designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring a fully responsive experience on any device. Whether users are browsing for a coach on their desktop or mobile phone, the interface remains smooth and easy to navigate.



Building this coaching platform was both a challenging and rewarding experience. From managing user data to ensuring real-time updates and reminders, every part of the tech stack played a critical role in the success of the app.