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eCommerce site that sells customizable neon lights


29 January 2024






Crafting a Customizable Neon Lights eCommerce Platform: Leveraging Next.js, Chakra UI, and WooCommerce

Tech Stack Overview

  • Frontend Framework: Next.js
  • UI Components: Chakra UI
  • eCommerce Platform: WooCommerce (WordPress)
  • Backend Services: WooCommerce API integration
  • Hosting: Vercel


The Purpose: Selling Custom Neon Lights Online

The platform was developed to allow users to browse and purchase customizable neon lights. Customers can choose colors, fonts, and even upload custom designs, making their product highly personal. The eCommerce store’s main goals include:

  1. Product Customization: Users can create their neon light by selecting design options, adjusting text and colors, and seeing a live preview of their product.
  2. Smooth Checkout Experience: WooCommerce powers the cart and checkout process, allowing for secure payments and order tracking.
  3. Mobile-Friendly Design: Given that many users shop on their phones, the site needed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.


WooCommerce for eCommerce Functionality

On the backend, I used WooCommerce, one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, built on top of WordPress. By integrating WooCommerce with Next.js, I was able to handle product data, cart functionality, and checkout flow seamlessly.

Here’s how WooCommerce powered the eCommerce side:

  • Product Management: WooCommerce handles all the product-related information, such as prices, stock levels, and variations. The platform allows the client to manage their neon light catalog easily.
  • Customizable Products: With WooCommerce’s robust product options, users can customize their neon lights by choosing color, size, and fonts. All of this information gets passed to WooCommerce for order processing.
  • Order and Inventory Management: WooCommerce efficiently handles order processing, tracking, and inventory management, which ensures the business runs smoothly as orders come in.


Core Features of the eCommerce Platform

1. Neon Light Customization

The highlight of this platform is the customization feature. Users can:

  • Choose neon light colors from a palette of options.
  • Select fonts and text sizes for their design.
  • Upload custom images or logos to be transformed into neon lights.
  • Preview their custom neon design in real-time.

This functionality was built using Next.js’s dynamic rendering capabilities and Chakra UI’s flexible components, creating a smooth and interactive experience for the user.

2. Real-Time Product Preview

As users customize their neon lights, they can see real-time previews of their designs. This was achieved by dynamically rendering product images and configurations using React hooks, ensuring the preview updates instantly as options are selected.

3. WooCommerce Checkout Integration

The checkout process is powered by WooCommerce and includes the following features:

  • A fully integrated shopping cart.
  • Secure payment options using Stripe.
  • WooCommerce handles order confirmation, fulfillment, and inventory management, ensuring a smooth post-purchase experience for the customer.

4. Responsive, Mobile-First Design

As a modern eCommerce platform, I focused on making the app fully responsive. Whether the user is customizing their neon light on a mobile device or browsing on a desktop, the experience remains consistent and engaging.



Building this customizable neon lights eCommerce platform was a rewarding project that showcased the power of modern web development technologies. Combining Next.js, Chakra UI, and WooCommerce allowed me to create a seamless, customizable shopping experience that puts the customer in control.